Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween 07

We have celebrated our first Halloween in the Netherlands. We are fortunate to have Nike friends who love the holiday and threw a party for all. They even had kids over early so they can get dressed up and enjoy the day. I'm not sure they knew it but the party was a week early but who am I to complain. Abigail was so happy because she got a new outfit from Amanda that she was able to wear. Sorry Amanda, I know the dress was for Christmas but how can you say no to such a cute girl. She wanted to be a princess. She walked around the party and told everyone she was a princess with wings and that she could fly. She didn't realize the 'wings' were three feet wide when she walked everywhere, but why should she care. She has Mom and Dad to follow her around and clean up. The best part of the entire night was the kids going door-to-door trick or treating. Did I mention they do NOT have Halloween here in the Netherlands? Top that off with the fact we were a week early and you had some interesting looks and gifts. Some of the people actually went into their baking stuff and dumped chocolate chips into the bucket. Some others just opened a bag of crackers and gave the kids crackers. It reminded me of when I was a kid and you heard about the razor blades in the apples or the warnings about don't eat anything that isn't wrapped and store bought. You couldn't say that about this experience. Needless to say, the kids loved it.

Abigail has two great teachers at her pre-school. They decided to have Halloween on Halloween so Abigail got to dress up once again. This time she understood what was going on and wanted to dress in something scary. I don't think she pulls off scary, but I give her props for trying. The only problem with this was they never left the school so all we heard all night was "I want to go trick or treating." I was lucky enough to have language class that night so I didn't have to deal with it.

We were told to expect a few trick or treaters in our neighborhood so I went out and got some candy. Our neighbor hood is extremely international so I was fully expecting some action. In my eyes, the best part of the day was when I came home from class and the entire bowl of candy was still there. Amy said she didn't get anyone at the door. Now I will have to exercise even more but my taste buds sure do love it.


Anonymous said...

She is the prettiest princess with wings EVER! Glad she enjoyed Christmas at Halloween! Remind at Christmas that auntie Amanda did not forget her :)